Welcoming Week celebrates the growing movement of inclusive communities that fully embrace immigrants and their contributions to the social fabric of our country. With over 25,000 foreign-born individuals living in Champaign County, we all need different opportunities to engage, build mutual understanding and raise awareness of the benefits of welcoming all! This year's community-wide celebration will take place Friday, September 13 to Sunday, September 22 and feature over 30 fun, family-centered events.
Access digital versions of the 2024 Pocket Guide and Business Showcase BINGO Sheet here.
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Want to support this program?
With your gift, you are helping Champaign County fully embrace our immigrant neighbors and their contributions to the social fabric of our community. Any amount is welcome.
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Service Fees
We currently offer free 30-minute consultations. We have a fee schedule for other services. To be considered for a reduced or waived service fee, please bring proof of income (e.g. paystubs, bank statements, or tax returns).
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